I had an email today from a clever young student asking me if I knew about the impending release of this parkour inspired game. My answer, happily, was "yes" because I follow the Space and Culture blog (where I must once again applaud the noticeable uptick in great content on this site -- thoroughly recommended for those with an interest in, well space, culture, planning and design). But it made me reflect again on how the times are full of playful interest in space both physical and virtual. Not only will Mirror's Edge be a hit but so is Portal, a game in which it's possible to warp one's way through walls and floors by throwing down self-made openings between spaces, defying both Euclid and Newton.
The other side of the spatial divide, where we use technological aids like GPS to help us use real space in a playful way is also full of promise. I like this idea, for example. I suspect there is no end of clever ways to use this kind of gear both to help us reflect playfully and creatively on what space means to us, but perhaps also to get us off our bums and into the thick of the real stuff. Time to buy a new computer. And a new pair of running shoes.