Third installment of my contest. The prize is a signed copy of my book "Where Am I?". This time, I'd like to try something a little different -- audience participation. I can hear the groans all the way from here -- the death of distance indeed. But here's the thing: one of the reasons I wanted to put a QR code on the jacket of my book was to encourage readers to think that they could quickly and easily spark up a link with me. I have all kinds of reasons for wanting to do this other than prurient curiosity about who's reading my book (though, yeah, I've got some of that). Mainly, I want to hear your stories to try to understand what it is about us that makes us so darned hopeless at finding our way from place to place (I know, I know....I just wrote a book about something like this and so you'd think I'd have some answers already. And I do. Promise. But there's always more to be learned.).
So here's the deal. Send me your best story about being lost. Is there some Bermuda Triangle where you always lose your way? For me, it's the area around Elora, Ontario. But this isn't about me. Is there a particularly hateful building that just doesn't work for you? Ever missed a flight because you couldn't find your way through the airport? Ever lost a girlfriend? Wait, no. That's different. I mean unless you really
lost her. Tell me a story. Send a picture if you like (I'd love to see pictures of particularly nasty wayfinding labyrinths). The best story (and here I'm judge, jury and executioner -- though I may recruit a little help from my son, who's so infatuated by this whole thing that he's made a
promotional YouTube video for me) wins a free signed book. And if you
really knock my socks off, I'll throw in something special. I'm not sure what yet. Maybe my compass if I can find it. Email, blog comment, Pony Express, whatever you want. And if you want me to keep your name off the airwaves, just let me know. I'm waiting to hear from you. These books are cluttering up the hallways.