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    « Housing the psyche | Main | You had to be there »

    May 04, 2012


    Nicole Moen

    Very cool Colin . . . so beautiful and bizarre to realize that we are all filled with all our younger selves. And interesting to revisit them as an adult and hold them in new ways. . . . a fabulous pilgrimage in and of itself.

    Norman Ellard

    So where are the bloody pictures, or do we have to wait for and buy the book?


    Thanks for following, Nicole. You're right that all of those strange young creatures are trapped inside our skins and what I'm doing is one way of inviting them to come out to play. Not exactly what I'd expected.

    Brother Norman! Book? There's a thought. I've already sent you a couple of images and of course will send more but I won't be publishing photos of the interiors of the houses on a public site. And if there ever is a book, you'll get a free one just like last time :-)

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